
Sarvesh Health City ("Sarvesh") is dedicated to safeguarding the information you provide to us ("Confidential Information"). We take appropriate security measures at Sarvesh to safeguard this information against unauthorized access or disclosure. Access to your information is restricted to individuals who require it to provide services to you.

Types of Information and Collection Sources

We gather information about you when you visit our website and/or interact with our staff in person. The information we typically collect includes your name, address, age, gender, medical reports/history, physical, physiological, and mental health status, or any other details necessary to offer you the services you require. We do not disclose this information to others unless necessary for providing the services you request, mandated by law, or if the information is already in the public domain. You have the option to refrain from providing sensitive information if you consider it confidential or sensitive. We do not collect bank/credit card information from information providers. By availing yourself of our services, you are considered to have consented to the sharing of information with relevant individuals. You have the right to withdraw your consent in writing at any time, and we reserve the right not to provide services for which information was provided.

Data Security and Electronic Data Encryption

The information we collect from you is secured and accessible only to authorized individuals. We have implemented adequate security practices, standards, and controls commensurate with the information being provided.

Purpose and Use of Information

We may utilize the information you share with us to provide various services offered by the Hospital.

Disclosure/Sharing of Information

We may share your information:

The information you share with us will not be used for any promotional activities. We will promptly address any discrepancies and grievances regarding the processing of information.

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